Friday 6 December 2013

Term Summary

This hasn't been the best term for me. Being without the laptop for 2 weeks, really affected my ability to produce digital work. I tried to create as much hand-drawn as I could, from storyboards, to character designs and the colour script. But it still left me unable to do alot of what i wanted to test out. There were things I will have to do over the christmas break when I planned to do them in term, such as buying a model skull and attatching tracking markers to it, then applying cgi elements to them. I have managed to experiment the last 5 days in CGI tracking in Nuke and Maya, for the technical skills unit.

In some ways it was quite fun to do everything by hand. But being unable to open my files on the college computers due to different software versions was very frustrating. I've also found it really hard to organise my time.

My schedule has been sporadic as I've havent known what to focus on at what time, the idea was far from realised until late into the term and it was hard to work on any creative aspects before that was nailed down. However I've done my best from what's happened and I feel more confident to begin the second term. Probably with a backup computer. 

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